Friday, November 13, 2015

Self Care Saturday ~ Muddy Up!

Saturday is my 'self care' day ... after a long week of chasing after 5 busy boys I need some pampering! 

One of my favorite ways to spend it is doing an essential oil treatment on my hair and choose an Aloette  FACIAL treatment for my skin while catching up on some PRV shows from the week ... the Muddy Up mask is just heaven and one of my favorites! 

Aloette’s Muddy Up Detoxifying Masque isn’t just fun to wear.  This exfoliating formula, featuring soothing cucumber extract and pore purifying Calcium Bentonite, deep cleans to reveal brighter, tighter looking skin in just one application!

Bentonite is a big sounding 'ingredient' that many might confuse as being 'bad for you since it is hard to pronounce and internet lore tends to spread messages that if you cannot pronounce something on a label that means it must be 'nasty toxic chemical'  so I figured I would take a minute to share some resources on what it actually IS and why you want it in your skin care!
Calcium Bentonite is a natural clay that is created from volcanic ash and charged with energy from the volcano than than is left to age for 10's of 1000's of years in the sea beds around the world to become different types of clay depending on the kind of sea bed and so forth. Calcium Benotine has been used for 1000's of years as a natural healing remedy for people known for a being the safest form of detoxing both when taken internally and when used externally. As more and more people make a move back to 'natural' options for skincare and health it is making a come back into mainstream use! It is especially helpful when used in a skincare regime as it acts like a magnet to draw and absorb toxins in the skin and cleanses deep into the pores by pulling up the unwanted oils, exfoliating dead skin cells and has antiseptic properties to help remove bacteria that causes black heads and pimples to form on the skin.

A treatment leaves the skin feeling so soft and subtle and it has a very 'relaxing' effect on the body! 

I love to use the muddy up mask not only on my face but also on my psoriasis break outs ~ i find that it helps to reduce the inflammation and combined with my other Aloette products speed the healing time! 

If you'd like more informtion on the Muddy Up or to have a chance to 'try before you buy' give me a shout and I would love to help you out!

Yours in Beauty


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

7 Luscious Lip Tips

Looking for Luscious lips this winter? Your lips are like a sponge ~ when exposed to moisture they absorb the water and plump up nice and full and when dehydrated they dry out and look cracked. Unlike other parts of your body that you can put clothes or a hat on they are always exposed so they are more prone to dehydration, particularly during the cold, windy winter months. 

Like the rest of your skin, your lips have all three of these layers -- the difference is that the stratum corneum on your lips is far thinner than it is anywhere else on your body. Your lips also don't have any sebaceous glands -- these glands keep your skin moisturized, but your lips are on their own. Their only source of moisture is your saliva, and that's why they can easily become dry and chapped.

 Another difference between your lips and the rest of your skin is that your lips don't have melanin, the pigment that makes you tan when you're exposed to the sun. Melanin is your body's natural way of protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays, and because your lips don't have any, they're at a higher risk of getting sunburned. Because your lips can't protect themselves from sun damage, it's important to use a lip balm that contains sunscreen -- your lips can develop sunspots and skin cancer just like the rest of your skin.

7 Luscious Lip Tips

HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE  ~ make sure you are drinking plenty of water every day to keep both your body, skin and LIPS properly hydrated .... a rule of thumb suggested in some circles is 1 ounce of water for every two pounds you weigh. So at least 8 oz a day if you are slight and in the 130 pound range but the more you substance you have the more water you need to keep it hydrated! I always carrier a bottle of water with me where ever I am going ~ Love my Contigo it stays cold for hours and does not sweat all over my things and its awesome leak proof lid means I can toss it in my purse and go!

Loose the Lip Licking ~ saliva contains digestive enzymes whose sole purpose are to break down food when it is constantly put in places it does not belong it will do the same thing ~ break down the layers of skin causing dry, cracked and painful lips to occur.

Buy only the Best Balms: When looking for a lip balm look for ones that hydrating ingredients like coconut, almond, vegetable or jojoba oils, shea butter, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera and avoid ingredients that will dry you out like alcohol. I personally love the results I get with Aloette Lip Difference

Humidifier heaven: During the winter months the furnace in our home is a humidity sucker taking the much needed water out of the air as it works to turn the cool air into warm for us as a result our skin in general including our lips can become dry ~ run a humidifier during the winter. We had one hooked right up to our furnace that during the winter 'adds' water for us and during the summer months removes it to keep the perfect amount of humidity in the house ~ since doing this I have stopped struggling with bloody noses in the winter and my skin does not feel all dry and itchy when I wake up! 

Exfoliate Exfoliate Exfoliate: Lip exfoliators ~ including products that contain fruit-acid-based alpha or beta hydroxy acids will help to slough off dead skin from your lips much like the ones you'd use on your face. Use them once or twice a week to help get control of already cracked and dry lips and than once a week to maintain luscious lips. Please note if you are sensitive skin fruit based alpha or beta hydroxy acids can be a trigger ~ reduce the frequency of use at signs of irritation: intense stinging and/or persistent redness. The results with Aloette's Soothe and Smooth have been amazing over here ~ it offers both an exfoliation step as well has a hydrating and healing Aloe based treatment to soothe lips. I use this before bed time specially during the winter months to help prevent the 'morning cracked lips'.

Sun Protection for your Lips: Lips are susceptible to sunburn since they lack melanin, the pigment that helps shield skin from the sun. Apply a layer of a sun-protective product daily ~ either in the form of your moisturizer for your skin or SPF specifically for the lips.

Minimize the Matte: Many Matte lipsticks on the market can be extremely drying as this is what helps these lipsticks stay put for so long on your lips. If you already have dry lips this style of lipstick can than be problematic and should be used sparingly and ideally when used accompanied with an awesome hydrating balm used underneath. 

Yours In Beauty

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Looking for relief from itchy dry skin?

Love reading Customer Testimonials on our Nutri-Hydrating Mist:

"I have used the nutri- hydrating mist on my scalp psoriasis 3-4x a day. It has provided much relief for itching, dry flakes & scaly parts. It has worked even better than the strongly medicated creams I have tried over the last two months." Franca B. (this is not a medical claim... just sharing a customer's testimony)

I myself suffer from psoriasis and have since I was 15 years old so can confirm I have had the same amazing results with my use of the Mist ~ it is one of the reasons I decided to Share the Beauty of Aloette.

I went from having it over 80% of my body and not finding anything that worked to help to being introduced to the Aloette line in the Fall of 2013 and not only finding something that helped to soothe the itching and drying skin which was my only 'goal' at that point cause nothing in over 25 years had every 'helped reduce the actual outbreaks' to finding an amazing certfied organic aloe based product that has reduced my coverage to about 20% instead. It is not a 'miracle cure' for psoriasis ~ I still struggle with small patches on the stubborn areas of my elbows and knees and knuckles with often get 'injured' during day to day use and while most people's heal normally without them even noticing due to my auto immune response to injured skin I will get psoriasis patch in the place I bumped or bruised even minor bumps. However the Nutri-Hydraring Mist combined with our Visible Aid really helps to speed the 're-healing' of those areas and prevent the 'dry itchy scaling' of skin from occurring!  

If you have dry itchy skin or a loved one who does I would totally love to help you with a 'sample' so you can try before you buy ... our products are amazingly priced for their value however having investing 1000's of dollars over the years in treatments that worked for others and not for my unique challenges I have totally empathy for wanting to know it will help before investing even small amounts in something new! 

Feel free to shoot me an email with any questions!

Yours in Beauty


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Maskulinity - cause EVERYONE has skin!

I love this little video ~ young or old, male or female we ALL have SKIN that needs tending ... love to seem men having a 'guys night in' and taking care of themselves with some self care for the skin!

 The boys in the video above are using our Muddy Up mask which is great for those wanting to detox their skin and help fight blemishes leaving it hydrated and smooth!

One of the things I love about Aloette's Aloe Pure and Aloe Clear lines is that they are 'scent neutral' and packaged in a neutral color palette and chalked full of our certified organic aloe and natural botanical so equally amazing for ANYONE to use young or old! One line for the whole family. 
Full Aloe Pure line with an add on of the Muddy Up mask and an acne spot treatment

3 piece AloeClear Acne line

If you have specific skin issues you can get 'add ons' from our Platinum line that are specific to your need which makes the line versatile for 'sharing' in the bathroom ... no need to have multiple different lines! 

Yours in Beauty
